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How Should I Come Out Of An Extramarital Affair?

How Should I Come Out Of An Extramarital Affair?

I have been having an extramarital affair for three months. I feel extremely guilty and anxious that my husband would find out. I have tried to break the affair, but my urges and desires are too much! I cannot understand how to get out of it!

Studies have shown that approximately 70% of married men and women have feelings for another, or are involved in an extramarital affair.

Why do partners cheat?

According to a survey, 77% of Indian women cheat because they are bored of the monotonous married life. While 54% of men admit that they had already cheated on their spouse during business trips.

Read Why Do Couples Cheat? to understand key factors that lead to infidelity.

If you want to overcome the extramarital affair and rebuild your marriage then you must understand the underlying reasons.

Ask yourself, “Why did I cheat on my partner?”. Be honest about your feelings and contemplate the question without any shame or judgment.

Also, be clear about whether you would like to stay in the marriage, or leave your partner.

If you are struggling with your thoughts or emotions then please consult an expert therapist. Therapy can help you untangle your emotions, process your thoughts, and give you better clarity about your marriage.

Consult top therapists in Mumbai Today!

Once you are clear in your mind, it is time to openly communicate with your partner. Many people struggle with confrontation. They may feel fearful, ashamed, or guilty. However, you must remember that communication is the KEY to resolving the extramarital affair.

Having a heart-to-heart discussion with your partner can unravel the truth about your relationship, helping you understand whether your marriage can survive the infidelity or if it is best to go separate ways.

Tip: Be empathic, patient, and compassionate when having these conversations with your partner. There is no way to predict their reactions. Hence, give them time, space, and a lot of reassurance.

Many couples have benefited from marriage counseling. It has given them the space to process and accept what happened and work on rebuilding trust and love between them.

Read how a couple healed their broken relationship after the wife cheated on her husband with her ex-boyfriend.

Whatever you decide to do, please remember that having an extramarital affair is a matter of choice. Playing the victim card or engaging in blame games will cause further damage, driving your marriage to a dead-end.

Exploring the key factors that led to infidelity may help repair your marriage and build a foundation of mutual trust, respect, and love. This is only possible if A) You are honest with yourself, your partner, and the third person involved B) Your partner is willing to give you a second chance C) You both work together to overcome the past and build a better future.

Marriage Counseling at Holistic Living Center has helped over 2000 couples overcome infidelity and move toward a stronger relationship or focus on personal growth.

Our marriage counselors have great experience and expertise in resolving relationship concerns such as lack of intimacy, boredom, family conflicts, infidelity, abuse, etc.

Their unbiased guidance and therapeutic methods help in developing stronger communication, better understanding, building trust, reigniting passion, learning conflict resolution skills, emotional maturity, and individual growth.

Hence, if you are struggling with extramarital affairs or any other persistent issue then please connect with experienced marriage counselors today.

Call/WhatsApp 01-9321073548 or Click This Link to book a 10-minute Free consultation with expert marriage counselors.

Learn more about Marriage Counseling at Holistic Living Wellness Center and how it can help save your marriage.

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