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8 Best Ways to Support Women in the Workplace

8 Best Ways to Support Women in the Workplace

The representation of women in the workplace is not as desired. Statistics show that only 7.4 percent of CEOs at Fortune 500 companies are women. Companies that don’t realize the importance of women’s participation in the workplace are missing out on a major opportunity to progress. 

If you are someone who wants to be an enabler and support women in the workplace then here are few things you might not want to miss out on

1. Paid Parental Leave  

Offering parental leave for both genders so that childcare responsibilities can be shared equally. Many countries around the world are bringing laws for Paid Paternity Leave so that fathers can also fulfill their caring commitments. Motherhood is a wonderful experience and women should not be made to feel insecure and guilty about it. Paid parental leave can will ease a lot of finance related stress from a working women’s life.working mom trying to create happy work life balance

2. Flexible Work Options

The pandemic has opened the scope for remote work as companies have recast their working systems and processes. The option for remote work should remain open wherever feasible. The remote work options should be available for both genders so that maintaining the work-life balance becomes easier.

 3. Increasing Representation in Fast-growing Fields (STEM fields)- 

Historically low participation of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields continue. Men are often “perceived” to be better suited for careers in these fields. The gender stereotype around math and science has caused a lot of trouble.

This stereotype is solidified since childhood. Girls are told that “math is not your cup of tea”, “boys are naturally good at solving math problems”. We need to find enabling ground so that representation of women in these fast-growing fields increases.

 4. Access to Gain the Skills

Skillset is a very important criterion to rise in the ranks. Women must be equipped with knowledge about various stakeholders, learn functions of relevant departments, learn to integrate various verticals, and must be encouraged to have an out-of-the-box vision if they want to move forward and achieve top ranks in their workplace.

women in the workplace would benefit from flexible work arrangement

5. Access to Mentorship 

Mentorship is very important as there are fewer women than men occupying top positions. Mentors can encourage women to aspire for leadership roles and support all women in the workplace to aspire for the top positions. Mentorship can be very beneficial as women can learn from experienced leaders and cast their way to success.

maintaining gender equality at workplace

6. Commitment to Equal Pay 

The discrimination of women in the labor force is far from over. The gender pay gap is still too high in many fields across the world. The companies should be firmly committed to the motto of equal pay for equal work if they really wish to give justice to women in the workplace. 

7. Ending Discrimination Should be the Top Priority of Recruiters  

Yes, it’s true that gender doesn’t have to be the sole criteria and practical knowledge and skills have to be taken into account. But regular employee surveys and research should be conducted to remove inequalities. Recruiters and employers have to watch out for stereotypes like “this is not a woman’s job”. Stereotypes harm the growth trajectory of women in the workplace big way.

8. Training Opportunities and Refresher Training Courses

Targeted women advancement programs can also be conducted along with the regular training courses. These would help women in the workplace to navigate personal and professional challenges. Training programs that help women to grow self-confidence and leadership skills are also very essential.

Above all access to a safe, secure, and thriving work environment are the rights that every woman in the workplace should have. And this must be secured in every way possible. 


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