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Tag: chakras

Awaken Your Chakras! A Quick Beginner’s Guide To The 7 Chakras

Chakras are the energy points located along the spine, starting from the base and going all the way to the

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8 Popular Meditation Techniques You can Choose From

8 Popular Meditation Techniques You can Choose From  Meditation has significant merits for our physical and mental health. There are

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Chakra Balancing To Transform Your Life: 7 Most Effective New Year Resolutions

You can build SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant/Realistic, and Time-Bound) objectives and life-changing aspirations by starting with the Chakra Balancing

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Using Healing Crystals To Align Chakras

                                Healing crystals can be

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Chakra Meditation: Benefits of 7 Chakra Balance

Chakra Meditation is the spiritual process by which one can achieve the balancing of all 7 chakras to achieve peace

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