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What does Silence in Relationships Imply? 

What does Silence in Relationships Imply? 

Silence in a relationship is frequently interpreted as a red warning, but it isn’t always a bad thing. It does happen. Just because you’re with your spouse doesn’t mean you have to converse all the time. It’s perfectly fine if one or both partners are busy, fatigued, or just don’t feel like communicating. A good, long-term partnership will have its share of quiet moments. If you and your partner can enjoy one other’s company without saying anything, that’s usually a positive indicator.

Silence in relationships

However, you don’t want a completely silent relationship, and certain sorts of silence might indicate deeper concerns. The following are four sorts of quiet that frequently indicate a more serious problem. Before you get started, keep in mind that just because you endure one (or more) of these silent lulls doesn’t always indicate your relationship will suffer but it’s worth opening up to your partner about what the silence really means.

You’re Shutting Down.

Stonewalling is another term for shutting down, and if it’s happening in your relationship, it might signify that both of you need to work on your emotional growth. “Stonewalling is one indicator they are emotionally unavailable,” says relationship specialist Kali Rogers.

It usually occurs when emotions are stimulated. Perhaps something difficult happened at work that day, or perhaps an uncomfortable circumstance arose at home. Instead of engaging in a discussion about the occurrence, they shut down and refuse to communicate at all.

Instead of retreating into quiet, consider telling your spouse that you’ve hit your emotional limit for the time being. If you’re in a heated argument and want to stonewall, simply tell your spouse that you need some time to think about what’s been said. Explain that you need some time to process everything. If they’re fair, they’ll understand and let you have it. If not, it may be time to seek more emotional help.

You Have Nothing To Say. 

Having lulls in conversation is not the same as having nothing to say to each other. For example, if you meet up with friends or coworkers after class or work, sit down to eat, and discover you have nothing to speak about, it might be an indication that you’ve lost your spark. That may seem horrible, but don’t worry; this sort of stillness does not imply your romance is bound to collapse. It’s really rather common, but it’s an indication that you should start putting more effort into your relationship if you want it to continue.

You Give The Silent Treatment To Each Other. 

Silence has a bad name for a reason when it is subjected to the silent treatment. Expressing yourself to your spouse is critical, especially when there is a problem. Partners must communicate. When something is wrong, people need to talk about it and not be frightened that confronting the situation would result in an explosion.

Even with the greatest intentions, the silent treatment can occur. You’re still upset from the fight, so you’re not saying anything. You incorrectly believe that ignoring the other person and avoiding the issue would resolve the matter. You could even believe that the quiet treatment would improve matters. But in actuality, it wont. 

You Aren’t Excited To Text Them Back Or Even To Spend Time With Them.

It is true that some people respond more quickly than others. And, while you’re not required to be available at all times, a certain degree of conversation with your partner through text is anticipated, while it’s quite acceptable if you’re unable to maintain bantering via text while at work, studying in the library, working out, or otherwise engaged. Even spending time with them would be something that you would prefer to avoid. 

In any of these cases, try communicating with your partner. Openly express how you are feeling and try to work it out, together. If things get more problematic or not something that you think you both cannot solve together, seek help from a professional. You’ll get the absolute right guidance and your relationship will get back on track. 

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