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6 signs of an extramarital affair

6 signs of an extramarital affair

Simply stated, cheating is being emotionally or sexually unfaithful to your partner with who you are in a relationship with. An extramarital affair simply affects ones mental peace and ruins relationships.

Certain people are more inclined to cheat owing to personality qualities, acquired behaviour through role models, and money, job, social position, and the social circles they travel in. Relationship therapists believe that any of these, or any combination of these, make adultery an option they may explore, but someone with different personality traits, rigid beliefs, a simpler lifestyle, smaller social networks, and/or who is content with their primary relationship would be unlikely to contemplate infidelity.

Extramarital affair

Not everyone who exhibits these characteristics will inevitably cheat, so there’s no reason to fear if your spouse exhibits a couple of them. However, many cheaters exhibit similar actions or psychological traits, which often overlap, according to experts. According to relationship therapists, the following are the 6 criterias that make someone more inclined to betray.

They Have Difficulty Controlling Impulses

Those who desire an adrenaline high may resort to cheating to obtain it. It may be thrilling to be with someone who is not just fresh and unusual, but also banned, and to evade notice. They’re living on the edge, attempting to keep their two lives apart.

Those who struggle with impulse control in particular — whether due to ADHD or a head injury that impacts their personality — may be more prone to cheating as well, because they have a difficult time letting an enticing opportunity pass. Of course, this is not a guarantee, but it may apply to certain people.

They Fear Emotional Intimacy

Developing a loving and accepting relationship may produce a level of emotional closeness that seems too much for some individuals, and infidelity is a form of self-sabotage. According to a  clinical psychologist Liz Gustafson, Ph.D partners may cheat to break that deep connection, however, it is critical for the person who has been cheated on not to blame themselves, but rather to recognise that the adultery was most likely caused by the other person’s incapacity to maintain that tight relationship.

They Have Narcissistic Traits

​​A narcissist is characterised by intense selfishness, a desire for flattery and attention, and an incapacity to regard the needs and feelings of others. These people are at a significant risk of cheating because they frequently reason that their spouse does not treat them as they should or that they are ignored or unloved. They also have little to no capacity to contemplate the harm their actions would cause their spouse. One 2014 study also discovered that persons with high degrees of sexual narcissism characterised as a lack of sexual empathy, an exaggerated feeling of sexual expertise, and sexual entitlement are more likely to cheat. Overall, relationships with narcissists have a negative impact on your mental and emotional health.

They Have A Completely Separate Social Life

Although it is healthy to pursue your own interests, when couples spend a significant amount of time away, they are doing it with someone other than their partner who provides companionship, friendship, and enjoyment. This time with others undermines the marriage link while strengthening the tie with these other people. There is also considerably more possibility since the individual is alone, typically in places where no one knows them and they have a sense of anonymity.

They’re Afraid of Ending a Relationship

Some people may feel that a relationship no longer meets their requirements, but they are unsure how to express themselves and end it. They may then cheat to gain a satisfactory connection with someone or in the covert hope that their cheating would come to light and drive their partner to stop your relationship for them.

They’re Commitment-Phobic

Some people become addicted to the thrill of the first pursuit, but become dissatisfied as a relationship matures and the early wooing phase ends. They tend to be commitment phobic, and start to feel physically and emotionally disturbed when relationships become too serious. It is not unusual for a commitment-phobic individual to cheat over the holidays, such as Valentine’s Day or a birthday. Milestones frighten them. The easiest method to determine this is to learn about your potential partner’s objectives and requirements from the start. If they don’t appear to want a long-term, monogamous relationship, this is something to be aware of.

Nothing a cheater does is your responsibility, but once they start explaining their affair to you, it’s easy to forget they did it on their own. When they begin to make you doubt yourself, it might be a sign that your spouse is attempting to get inside your brain and make you blame yourself for their “need” to cheat. 

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