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Can’t Stop Arguing? 4 Exercises Used In Couple Therapy To Resolve Conflicts In Your Relationship

Can’t Stop Arguing? 4 Exercises Used In Couple Therapy To Resolve Conflicts In Your Relationship

Learn how couple therapy to resolve conflicts can help your relationship survive against all odds. Whether it is bitter arguments, issues with the in-laws, lack of romance or sad sex life, couple therapy can be the solution you desperately need.

In a hustling neighborhood of California,  lived a couple named Emily and Daniel. To their friends and family, they seemed like the perfect couple—both successful in their careers, blessed with two beautiful children, and a picturesque home. However, behind closed doors, their marriage was crumbling under the weight of repetitive issues and constant arguments. 

Emily and Daniel’s story is a familiar one. Every discussion, from mundane chores to major life decisions, seemed to unravel into bitter arguments. They couldn’t even recall when it all began, but their love was drowning in the sea of misunderstandings. Eventually, their marriage ended in divorce, a painful outcome that could have been prevented with the right guidance on time. 

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Statistics show that lack of effective communication is a common culprit in the demise of many relationships. According to a study published in the Journal of Family Psychology, communication problems are the most common reason cited for divorce. In fact, 65% of surveyed couples reported communication issues as the leading cause of their marital problems.

The good news is that there are tools available to help couples navigate the complicated waters of communication and conflict resolution. Couples therapy offers a lifeline to those willing to work on their relationship. Four key exercises stand out as invaluable resources in helping couples improve their communication, tackle problems, understand each other better, and reignite the lost intimacy and connection. 

Now, let’s explore these four transformative exercises used in couple therapy to resolve conflicts and empower couples to build long-lasting marriages.

Exercise 1: Active Listening

Active listening is a crucial component of effective communication in couples and can significantly enhance their ability to build better communication and resolve issues on their own. Active listening involves giving your full attention to your partner, demonstrating empathy, and showing a genuine desire to understand their perspective.

Take Couple Therapy To Resolve Conflicts

Sarah and James had been married for eight years, and their constant bickering was driving them apart. In therapy, they learned about active listening. Each partner took turns speaking and listening without judgment or interruption. James discovered that when Sarah vented about her work, she didn’t want solutions—just a listening ear. Sarah realized that James’s distant demeanor was often due to stress, not indifference. Active listening helped them understand each other better and reduced arguments significantly.

Exercise 2: Emotional Validation

Emotional validation in a relationship is the act of acknowledging, accepting, and empathizing with your partner’s emotions, feelings, and experiences, even when you may not necessarily agree or feel the same way. It is a powerful and essential aspect of healthy communication and emotional intimacy that can significantly strengthen the bond between couples.

Meera and Daksh were in a perpetual struggle over parenting styles. Meera’s approach was more authoritarian while Daksh was adamant on being the ‘fun; parent. 

Take Couple Therapy To Resolve Conflicts

Their therapist introduced emotional validation. This exercise encouraged them to express their feelings and validate each other’s emotions, even when they disagreed. Meera recognized that Daksh’s concerns were born out of love for their children, not criticism. Daksh understood that Meera’s stress was genuine, not an overreaction. Emotional validation transformed their arguments into constructive conversations. They learned how to combine both parenting styles and enjoy the bliss of parenthood together. 

Exercise 3: Conflict Resolution Maps

Conflict resolution maps, also known as conflict resolution worksheets or grids, are a structured tool used in couple therapy to resolve conflicts or disagreements. These maps provide a visual and organized approach to problem-solving and communication within the context of a relationship. Here’s how conflict resolution maps are typically used in couple therapy:

Components of Conflict Resolution Maps:

Problem Identification: The first step in using a conflict resolution map is to clearly define the problem or conflict at hand. Both partners need to agree on the specific issue they want to address. This step helps avoid confusion and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the topic of discussion.

Emotional Expression: Each partner is encouraged to express their emotions and feelings related to the problem. This can include discussing how the conflict makes them feel, their concerns, and any emotional reactions they may have. It’s essential for both individuals to actively listen to each other during this phase.

Brainstorming Solutions: In this stage, couples generate a list of potential solutions or strategies to address the conflict. This is a creative and open-ended phase where partners are encouraged to think outside the box. It’s important not to judge or dismiss any ideas at this point.

Take Couple Therapy To Resolve Conflicts

Evaluating Solutions: After brainstorming, couples review the list of potential solutions. They discuss the pros and cons of each option, considering how each solution may impact their relationship and individual needs. The goal is to identify solutions that are mutually acceptable.

Selecting a Solution: Once the pros and cons have been considered, the couple chooses a solution or a combination of solutions that they both agree on. This step involves compromise and finding common ground. The chosen solution should ideally address the initial problem and be realistic and achievable.

Implementation: After selecting a solution, the couple discusses how they will put it into action. This may involve setting specific goals, timelines, and responsibilities. It’s important to establish a plan that both partners are committed to following through with.

Follow-Up and Evaluation: In the final phase, the couple agrees to revisit the issue at a later date to evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen solution. This allows them to make adjustments if necessary and ensures that the conflict is fully resolved.

Emma and Michael opted for online marriage counselling when they realized that their frequent arguments seemed to have no end. The therapist introduced conflict resolution maps. These guided them through a structured process to address and resolve their issues. They learned to identify the problem, explore their emotions, brainstorm solutions, and agree on a course of action. Couple Therapy to resolve conflicts helped them find common ground, making their discussions more productive and less heated.

Exercise 4: Appreciation and Gratitude Rituals

Appreciation and gratitude play a fundamental role in nurturing and sustaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. They are powerful emotional expressions that can strengthen the bond between couples, enhance overall well-being, and create a positive atmosphere within the partnership

Ways Couples Can Practice Appreciation and Gratitude:

Verbal Acknowledgment: Simply saying “thank you” and expressing appreciation for everyday gestures and acts of kindness can go a long way.

Love Notes and Letters: Leave surprise love notes or write heartfelt letters to express your love and appreciation for your partner.

Compliments: Offer sincere compliments about your partner’s appearance, character, or accomplishments regularly.

Acts of Service: Show your appreciation through acts of service, such as cooking a special meal or helping with chores without being asked.

Quality Time: Spend quality time together, focusing on each other, and appreciating the shared moments.

Gifts: Surprise your partner with thoughtful gifts or tokens of appreciation to show your love and gratitude.

Remember Special Occasions: Make an effort to remember and celebrate important milestones, anniversaries, and birthdays.

Listen Actively: Show appreciation by actively listening to your partner when they share their thoughts, feelings, or concerns.

Public Acknowledgment: Don’t hesitate to express your appreciation for your partner in front of friends and family. Public acknowledgment can be especially meaningful.

Apologize and Forgive: Recognize when you’ve made a mistake, and apologize sincerely. Expressing gratitude for forgiveness can strengthen trust and appreciation.

Share Goals and Dreams: Discuss your goals and dreams together, and appreciate the support and partnership you offer each other in achieving them.

Celebrate Progress: Celebrate not just the big achievements but also the small milestones and progress you make together.

By incorporating these practices of appreciation and gratitude into their daily lives, couples can create a relationship that is more loving, supportive, and resilient in the face of challenges. It’s a powerful way to continually nurture and reinforce the love and connection between partners.

Take Couple Therapy To Resolve Conflicts


Relationships are a work of art. It requires effort, patience, and skills to create something beautiful. In this journey of love, it is natural to face challenges and conflicts. Your mind may even be clouded with confusion, stress, and doubts. However, what truly matters is how you and your partner step up in the face of challenges and emerge stronger as a couple. 

Navigating issues in your relationship will take a lot of work. Sometimes it will also require you to go the extra mile and seek the professional guidance of an expert relationship counsellor. Don’t hesitate! Keep aside all the stereotypes and judgments of others because, at the end of the day, it is you and your partner and your love for each other that truly matters. 

The 4 exercises mentioned in this article are powerful tools used in couple therapy to resolve conflicts and foster happier relationships. Remember, it’s never too late to seek help and follow these exercises to strengthen your relationship and prevent it from reaching a breaking point.

To know more about couple therapy you can take a 10-minute Free consultation with expert relationship counsellors. Click THIS link now to connect on Call/WhatsApp.

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