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Riitu Saraff | Life Coach

  • Brief Description:
    I believe we all are angels, born whole and complete, a bundle of joy and bliss, however somewhere during our journey, of life, we lose that beautiful, lovely state. It is so amazing to see the transformation one can experience, once we unravel the nature of negative events, experiences and thoughts which are ruling us which we are clinging, as our truth, our reality. My mission is to guide people regain that space, quickly and joyfully in 10 weeks and I give a 100% Money back Guarantee. You take the One step and together we will take ten. Just Ten weeks is all we need..
  • Credentials:
    Life Coach, Reiki and Pranic Healer and an NLP Practioner.
  • Testimonials:
    Helping clients overcome their personal & social challenges for a balanced and happy life.
  • Opening Hours:
    Morning 10 am to 5 pm Wednesdays and Thursdays are off days

Riitu Saraff-Certified Life Coach, Reiki and Pranic Healer and an NLP Practioner

I hold active interest in yoga, mudra, meditation techniques, energy play like Manifestation, Chakra  etc.

I have  varied personal interests in Human resource development and believe  every individual is born to emerge as a winner.  I believe in honing true potential of my clients by strengthening individuals to take the journey within and express oneself by making the right choices.

By education, I am a Masters in Business Adminstration, and have worked for more than 12 years In various areas of Sales, Human Resources with Prestigious brands  with Senior profiles.

My Experience
I have had my ups and downs and have been bruised, hurt, in pain and felt like a looser with no hope or reason to live on. It is during this journey, I did things, travelled so many paths, met my gurus and crossed over as a winner. when I could win,I saw who I could be.

That moment, I got inspired that this is the highest service to humanity and probably this is why things happened to me and I decided to become a life coach, to tune in the energy into people, to light-up their life, make them lighter and happier. Few glimpses of my journey for you..

Am I qualified to coach you ?
I understand and value that your journey to reclaim your life is personal and critical to you, and you want to be with somebody you can completely trust, who values your privacy, does not judge you and most importantly has the ability to guide you towards right choices.

I believe my biggest credential is my ability to relate, understand the pain you are going through and my genuine desire to help.

I have not become a Life coach to make money, it is my destiny which has made coaching my mission.

Painful divorce
I underwent a divorce within months of my marriage , and that shattered me completely.

My life changed turned upside down, in a matter of weeks, from a protected, happy, chirpy, joyful person and successful HR manager in a large corporate to a bitter, depressed, suicidal person with a big question “Why this happened to me ? Why me ? What wrong I have done in my life ? Does God really exist ? Why he allows bad things happen to good people ? I don’t want to live anymore. I want to die , there is nothing I can do now !

I did not give up
Thanks to the support of my family and friends, I did not give up…

and I started on spiritual journey  to find answers to my questions, reasons to live and the ability to regain the joyful myself.

It took me five long years, as I kept learning from many gurus , catching their grace, wisdom, greatness and insights and relating them my quest.

Gratitude to My Gurus
I am in deep gratitude to all the masters who have contributed to my journey, without them it would not have been possible to be what I am today.

My Parents, my siblings, my guruma and all the gurus who have inspired me time and again and held me when I was in caught in the ebb of my life.

I shall always be thankful and in gratitude to all for steering me in the right direction.

My Mission
Impact One lakh Lives

The journey to bounce back to life ,also pushed me to search for my true purpose on this planet.

I discovered that did not want to go back to corporate world again, and my deep desire was to help others bounce back.

I feel that the journey to bounce back is tough and a long one, with so many gurus, speaking on different and vast subjects, actually it needs huge time, effort, money, persistence and patience to pick the wisdom which is needed and work on that. And then are there periods of break downs and self doubts, which have immense power to sneak in and destroy the progress you have made and put you back to zero. Many people don’t make it and many are stuck for years.

That is how my journey of a Life coach started…I put together a process which not only resolves the issues, but also does that joyfully, and in 10 weeks.

And every transformation I am able to make, makes me fulfilled, it heals me as much as it heals others. I can’t explain the joy and deep sense of fulfillment I experience, when I see the smile on face of my clients.

There is so much pain in the world, and am a small speck , but I am determined and I am on a mission to reach out and help 1 lakh people regain their true state of joy and bliss.

Lack Of Growth, Low Self Confidence, Fear Of Public Speaking, Work Life Balance, Low Performance


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Riitu Saraff