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Ms. Sakshi Chandraakar | Career Branding Coach

Ms. Sakshi Chandraakar | Career Branding Coach


Product Description

Ms. Sakshi Chandraakar:(Personal & Career Branding Coach)

Every person in this world dreams! Some dream about money, some about success, and others about transforming the world. Sakshi’s dreams were no different, except that they were all three of the above and more. As a young girl, she dreamed about making it big in the world, standing up to challenges, and helping others walk alongside her with pride and a firm sense of being.

investing in a career branding coach can help you with your branding in several ways- our services include

  • how to keep you motivated and driven as you build your brand online and offline.
  • we can help you find networking events and look for opportunities to help you improve as a professional, as well.
  • you’ll receive a valuable, unbiased second opinion that can help you improve your image and reputation. We take a look at your personal brand from the outside and help you identify your strongest qualities.
  • you will discover how to create and share content with your network.
  • you learn how to become an industry expert with our help.

Through the many challenges of life and being a woman, wife, and mother, she constantly strived to realize her dreams. she is not one to stand by and wait for opportunities to come her way but goes forth boldly seeking career paths that helped her surge ahead in life. In doing so, she carved out a personality of her own, one that encapsulated both style & skill.

Sakshi has a personality of self-giving, and “passion and purpose” are her constant mantras!

Today, she no longer just dreams for herself, but for the countless women and men who stand alone at the crossroads of life, wondering how to realize their dreams and ambitions.

Her dreams for them have been carefully carved out in the many offerings that my enterprise Finesse offers. She believes that no two individual dreams are the same, and therefore My consideration of and approach to each individual is specific. Helping people finesse their image and skills and find their calling in life, is what she constantly strives towards.

A personal branding coach will first discuss your business objectives with you. When you tell your consultant about your goals, they can help you create the ideal personal brand approach. If you believe your objectives are unattainable or overly ambitious, you should seek the advice of a personal branding consultant. They can show you how to use your personal brand to achieve almost any future goals you have for your company. Personal branding and image consultancy go hand in hand. Many times such professionals are also qualified life coaches, so that they can provide more personalize support to their clients and create a holistic environment of growth for both the client and their business. Lower Income, Debt Management, Retirement planning, Unmanaged Expenses Lack Of Growth, Low Self Confidence, Fear Of Public Speaking, Work Life Balance, Low Performance, Career Planning Book an appointment 



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