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Mental & Spiritual Counseling

  • Brief Description:
    Mental health counsellor, Vastushastra, Spiritual counsellor.
  • Credentials:
    Spiritual Counselor
  • Testimonials:
    Scientific way of success.
  • Opening Hours:
    11.00 Am To 5.00 Pm On Tuesday to Friday & Sunday, & Monday & Saturday -Not Working

Spiritual therapy is a form of counseling that attempts to treat a person’s soul as well as mind and body by accessing individual believe systems and using that faith in a higher power to explore areas of conflict in life. We envision a mental health community in which clinicians view all people as capable of change. people are seen as deficient and lacking what it takes to be healthy and happy. We work to eliminate this destructive trend. We encourage therapists to give people the benefit of the doubt by holding to the wisdom that people are born lovable, loving, and vulnerable beings, and to understand that people are shaped by their experiences and circumstances.


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Manoj Ghanghaw