How a 14-Year-Old Boy Could Overcome Bad Habits Through Online Hypnotherapy
Overcome bad habits with Hypnotherapy
The innocence of childhood is lost now. 11-year-olds are taking anti-depressants, young children are making adult content on TikTok Toks and the availability of drugs and other substances is as easy as purchasing something from the grocery store.
For how long can a parent protect their child from falling into the trap of bad habits?
“Drop the fantasy that your child will never do anything wrong. Many parents still live in their bubbles and refuse to have difficult conversations with their children. They would rather have their child do something bad behind their backs than confront them about it. It may sound harsh but it is true” says an expert Child Psychologist.
She continues, “It is important to help our children understand the difference between right and wrong. We need to sit with them and have honest conversations. We need to help our children develop a strong and resilient mindset so that they can navigate tricky situations on their own”
Urvi is the mother of 14 years old Bhavya. She came to Holistic Living-Wellness Studio to talk about her concerns to an expert Psychologist who could help her to understand what she should do to help her son overcome bad habits.
Bhavya was overweight. He binged on junk food every single day and despite of the growing warnings from the doctors he refused to give up on eating junk food.
He would spend the entire day locked up in his room, playing video games and munching on chips. He completely neglected his academic work and showed no will to change even when the teachers threatened to expel him from the school.
Urvi was a single mother who had to work so that she could keep the house running. She wanted to quit her job and help Bhavya overcome bad habits but that was not a plausible option since she had no other financial aid.
Bhavya’s condition was worsening every single day. He would stuff his mouth with junk food even if he was not hungry. His behaviors had almost become automatic and he could not stop even if he wanted to.
“I remember one-night Bhavya came to my room. He sat next to me and kept crying. After some time he told me how he was tired of himself. He wanted to quit eating junk food but found it physically impossible to stay away from it. All his friends used to make fun of him and he felt like a complete loser.
Seeing your child like this is the most heartbreaking feeling in the world. I felt so helpless at that moment. I felt like I had failed as a mother. However, the next morning I decided to take control of the situation and help my son overcome bad habits and live a normal life” says, Urvi.
She continues, “I got the reference of Holistic Living from a friend. The very next day I went to meet the expert Psychologist. I wanted to make sure that my son was in safe hands. So this psychologist also had a degree in Hypnotherapy and she explained to me how it can help Bhavya overcome bad habits and develop a strong mindset. I did my own background check and decided to give it a try”
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Urvi came in with Bhavya the following weekend. The expert Psychologist quickly built a rapport with Bhavya and gave him the time and space he needed to open up about his feelings, thoughts, and concerns.
“Therapy with children is a lot more different than with adults. It is important to build a space of comfort and ease for them otherwise they can end up feeling overwhelmed and confused. I had long conversations with Bhavya and what I understood is that he was a smart kid but somewhere in all these years he had built this belief that he was a total loser and good for nothing.
Such negative self-beliefs are extremely dangerous for a child to have. If they are left unresolved then it definitely shows up in their adult life. It can stop them from having healthy relationships and succeeding in their career as well. It is detrimental to their overall well-being.
Take Steps To Increase Your Child’s Confidence. Talk To A Certified Therapist Today.
Unfortunately, nobody is born with these beliefs. They are formed because of childhood experiences, probably an overcritical or neglectful parent, child bullying, societal pressures, and stereotypes, etc.
In Hypnotherapy, we help the child to release these experiences from their subconscious mind and form a stronger sense of identity and values. Strong willpower is sometimes all you need to overcome bad habits” explains the expert therapist.
After building an effective rapport with Bhavya, the therapist then in the next sessions helped him tap into his subconscious mind and release the negative self-beliefs. He then gradually helped Bhavya to increase his confidence in himself and strengthen his willpower to overcome bad habits.
It was a slow and gradual process but after Bhavya completed all the sessions of Hypnotherapy he felt more in control of his eating habits. He could easily resist the urge to binge on junk food and stick to a healthy diet.
“It definitely worked for my son. Hypnotherapy helped him to overcome bad habits and start fresh. I am so proud of him. I actually have no words because as a mother you want nothing but the best for your child. I was so scared that Bhavya will never overcome bad habits but here he is today and I feel super positive about his future” gleams Urvi.
Note: Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for adults and children when done under the guidance of an experienced and qualified Hypnotherapist. It is an effective and evidence-based psychological technique that can help your child overcome bad habits, reduce anxiety, build confidence, and achieve their goals.
Help Your Child Overcome Bad Habits and Build A Bright Future.
Talk to an expert hypnotherapist @ Holistic Living, Chembur, Mumbai, India, Dubai, and London. Call/WhatsApp 9321447981 now to book online Hypnotherapy and overcome bad habits!