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Heartbreak – 10 ways to ease the pain.

Heartbreak – 10 ways to ease the pain.

Heartbreak Heartbreak is a universal emotion that causes significant emotional suffering and sorrow.

Almost everyone, at some time in their life, suffers from heartbreak. But the fact that it’s a natural part of life doesn’t make it any less painful. In fact, research shows that your brain processes sorrow in the same manner that it processes physical pain. When you’re dealing with a broken heart, it may seem as if nothing will ever get better—but the good news is that it will become easier with time. 

While many people identify a broken heart with the termination of a romantic relationship, Jenna Palumbo, LCPC, therapist, notes that “grief is multifaceted.” The death of a loved one, job loss, changing jobs, or the loss of a close friend may all leave you heartbroken and feeling as if your life will never be the same again.

There’s no getting around it: it takes time to repair a wounded heart. However, there are self-care practises you can implement to help yourself through the healing process and safeguard your mental well-being.

  • Acknowledge and accept the heartbreak. 

Heartbreak is excruciatingly terrible, yet it is critical to accept it. Be honest with yourself instead of attempting to dull your grief, dismiss your feelings, or deny what happened. You’ve just been through a traumatic encounter! It will be really tough at first, but you will recover faster if you accept that something dreadful has occurred and allow yourself to feel terrible about it.

Try not to cling to exaggerated expectations about what could happen, such as reuniting with an ex after a nasty split. False hope may briefly make you feel better, but it will ultimately lead to further disappointment and misery. Take a couple of days off if necessary. While being busy and diverting yourself might be beneficial, it’s also necessary to give yourself some space and time to recover and process your sorrow.

  • Allow yourself to cry if you need to.

Grief is different for everyone, and the greatest thing you can do for yourself is to let yourself experience all of your grief, anger, loneliness, or guilt.

  • Take good care of yourself.

When you’re in the throes of tragedy, it’s tempting to neglect your own needs. But grief isn’t only an emotional process; it’s also physically draining. Physical and emotional pain do, in fact, travel through the same neural pathways in the brain, according to study. Deep breathing, meditation, and exercise can all help you conserve energy. But don’t beat yourself up over it. Making an effort to eat and remain hydrated will help a lot. Take things slowly and one day at a time.

  • Remind yourself of why things didn’t work out.

If your sadness is the result of a breakup, consider what went wrong. Always remember that there is a reason behind everything. Recognizing the negative aspects of your relationship will help you put things into perspective. Consider how frequently you clashed with them, or how they weren’t always there for you when you needed them. It will also help you learn and grow, allowing you to form stronger relationships in the future. Consider what you loved about the relationship and what you would like to seek for in a future companion. Remembering the negative does not imply ignoring the positive! Accepting how much you loved the individual is a vital element of assisting yourself in healing. Simply strive to maintain a fair and realistic viewpoint.

  • Listen to podcasts and read self-help books.

Knowing that others have gone through similar circumstances and survived may make you feel less alone. Reading a book or listening to a podcast about your specific loss may also give affirmation and be a helpful method for you to manage your feelings.

  • Practise positive self-talk.

Consider your strengths and be proud of them. Recognizing that something horrible has occurred to you and acknowledging that you are strong enough to deal with it is an important step in moving on from your heartbreak. Be patient and kind to yourself, and speak to yourself in the same way you would to a close friend going through a difficult time. “You can get through this!” or “You deserve to be happy, and you’re deserving of love,” tell yourself. Make a list of your strong points. Remind yourself of your successes and positive attributes. The act of writing them down may serve as a reminder, and you can also refer to the list if you are feeling down and in need of a pick-me-up.

  • Get rid of any mementos of your sadness.

It’s difficult to move on when there are continual reminders all around you. Put photographs of your ex and any presents they gave you away for the time being. You may also want to avoid activities or locations that remind you of them for a time, such as listening to an album you both like or going to your favourite date night restaurant. This does not imply that you must throw away or destroy anything that reminds you of your ex, or that you must avoid your favourite places indefinitely. Allow yourself some time apart from such reminders to analyse your emotions.

  • Exercise can help you relax.

Natural feel-good chemicals are released in your brain as a result of exercise. It can also enhance your confidence and make you feel more in control. When you’re feeling depressed, go for a jog, get on your bike, or exercise while watching your favourite fitness video. Even a short 10- to 15-minute stroll will make you feel better.

  • Try a pleasurable hobby.

Make time every day to do something that makes you happy, whether it’s writing, catching up with a close friend, or watching a funny show. Experimenting with new activities may improve your life and boost your confidence. It will also assist to divert your attention away from your sadness. Sign up for a lesson, pick up a new hobby, or join a weekly gaming group or club. Make a list of everything you’ve ever wanted to study or accomplish. Crossing items off your list will provide you with a sense of success and will make you feel more optimistic about the future. Trying new things is also a terrific opportunity to meet new people and expand your support network!

  • Seek expert assistance.

It’s critical to talk about your feelings with people rather than shut yourself out. This is easier said than done, and it’s quite acceptable to want assistance. If you discover that your sorrow is too much for you to bear on your own, a mental health expert can assist you in working through difficult emotions. Even two or three sessions might help you establish new coping mechanisms.

Sometimes a little additional support is required to repair a shattered heart. It’s natural to be depressed following a heartbreak. However, if you’re concerned about how long it’s taking to feel better, or if your emotions are so intense that they’re interfering with your daily life, talk to your doctor or a counsellor.

Make an appointment with The Holistic Living to connect with an expert and begin to ease the pain of a heartbreak. You may also visit the wellness store  to find additional useful things to aid you in your daily life.

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