Akashic Records: A Legendary Choice That Changed the Course of My Life
Akashic Records proved to be a powerful way to break the curse that haunted the women of my family.
Breaking a generational curse is hard work. It often happens that one member of the family is bestowed with the heavy task of breaking a deeply rooted generational curse. Vidya’s familial lineage had her convinced that love is equivalent to suffering and pain. Akashic Reader helped her become aware of the generational curse that haunted the women of her family for many centuries. She shares her nerve-wracking journey of breaking the curse and being open to a healthy love.
I stared at his text message for 15 minutes.
“I am done. Please don’t call”
6 short words to break off a 6-year-long relationship. Was I not worth even a phone call?
I wanted to bawl and scream, but I gulped my pain and attended to the guests who had come for my sister’s wedding.
Everything about that day is a blur except the gut-wrenching pain I felt in my chest. If heartbreaks made a sound, then this one could shatter all the glass windows ever made in this world.
I cursed myself for believing that love would feel different this time. My repeated failed relationships definitely succeeded in making me realize one truth- Love is not meant for everyone.
I was born and brought up in a family where love was synonymous with compromise and suicide of one’s ambitions and dreams. My mother got married to my father when she was barely 18 years old, and after one year she was pregnant with my eldest sister.
Her marriage was a nightmare from which she could never wake up. The same nightmare was re-lived by me through her innumerable complaints about my father ruining her life. So many times, I wanted to bury my head in the pillow and yell at her to not traumatize me with her pain and sadness. However, I was my mother’s anchor and she really had nobody else to talk to.
My parents broke their own hearts and ever since I learned about the word marriage, I decided that I would never get married. All the relationships I witnessed in my life confirmed my belief.
My grandmother was thrown out of her house by her husband at the age of 60!
My maternal aunt was forced to drink poison to prove her love for her to-be husband.
Another one was beaten up till she bled by her monstrous husband.
I grew up watching and listening to these stories. The fear that love leads to miseries was deeply rooted in my mind and in my heart. The irony of life was such that I ended up attracting similar relationships- Men who would always end up taking me for a toss or using me as their doormat.
When I turned 25 a strange loneliness crept into my heart. I longed for companionship. I wished for a loving partner. However, the fears screamed at my face and pushed me further into the isolated tower I had constructed to protect myself from the same fate that the women in my family have been through.
I am the black sheep of the family. The rebel who questioned everything. I would not succumb to the miseries of love simply because that is how things have always been. I was determined to change the narrative and create a different life for myself.
I ardently believe that I was chosen to break the generational curse of my family. The belief patterns that were passed from one generation to another, and the curse which forced all the women to live in toxic relationships and marriages.
My friend introduced me to Akashic Records. Until that day I did not even have the slightest knowledge about what Akashic Record is. She insisted that I should remain open-minded if I am planning to break the generational curse and attract a love that is not even remotely close to what my mother has experienced.
I read in detail about Akashic Records. The article and videos on the internet only convinced me 20%. I decided that the best source of knowledge would be someone who has good expertise and experience in accessing and reading the Akashic Records.
Read: All You Need To Know About Akashic Records
After 12 ways of persistent research, I met Pooja. Her vibe was positively welcoming. We immediately hit it off over a warm cup of adrak wali chai. She spent the entire afternoon explaining to me about Akashic records and sharing her unforgettable experiences. She assured me that Akashic records would help me understand the root cause of toxic relationship patterns and resolve them to attract a more fulfilling and healthy love.
Breaking a generational curse is never easy. I would describe it as a wrestling match. The growing self-awareness is like a wrestler lifting you up and then smashing you on a cold concrete floor. And you are expected to get up every single time. The Akashic records helped me get access to pieces of information that proved to be highly valuable in learning and breaking my family’s generational curse.
The entire journey was excruciatingly painful but also liberating. I understood my mother’s pain and finally found the power and courage to forgive and let the hurt go. The pain was intertwined with the veins of my heart and releasing it was like suffering the trauma of my mother, my maternal aunts, and my sisters all together at the same time.
I stood victorious in the end. I was free from the burdens that weighed heavy on my heart and my mind. I let go of the bitterness I held within me and slowly replaced it with new and fresh hope for a different love.
A love that gently holds your hand throughout all the storms and chaos.
A love that does not require grand gestures of loyalty and commitment.
A love that does not leave bruises all over your body, but gently caresses all the scars.
Life will demand a lot from you, but it will never ask for something that is beyond your capacity. Living with the generational curse was painful, and breaking it was worse. However, I would not trade it for anything else. It transformed me into the woman I am today and brought the biggest blessing of my life- my husband.
Accessing the Akashic record was the most legendary decision of my life.
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