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4 Untold Truths About Taking Therapy That You Cannot Miss Out On

4 Untold Truths About Taking Therapy That You Cannot Miss Out On

Taking therapy is a decision that can change your life. Therapy is known to resolve many mental health concerns including anxieties, depression, chronic stress, and sleeping problems, and help you build a strong mindset.


The ultimate goal of taking therapy is to make you independent and capable enough to continue increasing your self-awareness and manage challenges in healthier ways.


Fortunately, the stigma and stereotypes about taking therapy have been changing ever since the pandemic and more people are becoming open to the idea of taking therapy.


Still, there is a commonly held belief that therapy is only for the crazy ones or the ones who have a serious mental health disorders. The truth, however, is that therapy is for anyone who feels bogged down by daily hassles and wants to create a life where they actually feel happy and content


However, the process of taking therapy is not always rainbow and flowers. You need to be aware of certain truths about therapy for it to actually work and not waste away your time and money.


Here are 4 Truths About Taking Therapy That You Need To Know:


1. Therapy Is Not ‘Always’ A Safe Space

You may have heard the phrase ‘therapy is a safe space. It is all over the internet and has even become a selling point for taking therapy.


This phrase is only partly true.


Yes, therapy is a safe space in the sense that your therapist will prioritize your safety and privacy. Therapist is trained to keep aside their personal biases and listen to their concerns with a non-judgmental attitude.


These skills of a therapist create a space where you can feel free to talk about your feelings, thoughts, and problems.


The other truth of the phrase is that therapy can also leave you feeling shook and shocked. It will bring you face-to-face with things about yourself that you have been suppressing for far too long but also much-needed for your growth and healing journey.


When you are taking therapy and actively involved in it then be prepared to have sessions where you can even have breakdowns, meltdowns, feelings of anger, and even annoyance towards your therapist.


Growth and healing need you to accept your past and face the present reality the way it is. It demands you to become aware of your own toxic and self-jeopardizing thoughts and behaviors and take active steps to change them.


Hence, taking therapy is also a brave space that will force you to befriend your demons and create an authentic version of yourself that is willing to heal and grow.


2. Therapy Needs Consistency

“You can bring a horse to the river but you cannot make it drink”


The idiom is highly relatable with taking therapy as well. It is commendable to take a courageous step and book an appointment with a therapist, but it is also necessary to take follow-up sessions, do the activities, prioritize your peace of mind and take out a little time to process what was exchanged during the sessions.


A Counselling Psychologist shares a rather enlightening point with us about being consistent with taking therapy.


She says, “I had a client from Ontario, Canada. She used to juggle her studies, work, and personal life. The first time she started taking therapy she would often cancel her sessions or ask me to postpone them or sometimes not show up for the session at all.


I understood these patterns point towards resistance or some level of defensiveness. I decided to be assertive with her and let her know that she needed to stay consistent with the sessions.


It took some time but I could observe her willingness to put more effort into taking therapy. Ever since she broke her resistance, I can see so many positive changes in her and that glow of real happiness is really amazing to see!”


3. Your Therapist Is Not A Magician

The most important truth about taking therapy is that your therapist is not a magician who can change your life in just one session.


Therapy is a collaborative process which means that there needs to be active participation and feedback from both sides. The change comes from you and it is unfair to believe that your therapist is completely responsible for improving your life.


If you are feeling uncomfortable with certain things or if you are having doubts about therapy then it is very beneficial to provide honest feedback to your therapist and communicate your feelings and thoughts.


taking therapy  when life gives you lemons go see your therapist


4. Therapy Is A Lifetime Investment

The final truth about taking therapy is that the time, money, and efforts you give into therapy are actually an investment that you are making for yourself.


We are willing to invest large amounts in the stock markets or business ventures, food and movies because we can see tangible rewards in return. The rewards of taking therapy may not be physically apparent but developing a healthy state of mind, and learning how to think positive and manage your emotions are all the skills you need to live a happy and successful life. 


Poor mental health affects many areas of your life including your career, and personal relationships, and even deteriorates your physical health. Hence, consciously working to improve your mental health will automatically bring positive changes in your life.


So yes, therapy can feel a bit expensive but you need to remember that it is an investment you are making for a lifetime. Knowing how to prioritize and take care of your mental health is the best form of self-love.


The stigma around mental health is slowly changing. The coming generation understands the importance of mental health and is choosing to raise their inner consciousness instead of being passive or following the old belief systems that are no longer working.


If you are experiencing anxiety, feelings of sadness, having difficulty sleeping, facing a lot of stress, or have lost the lust for life then taking therapy can help you to understand your emotions and bring fresh perspectives. You can use therapy to create a life that you want and envision instead of simply surviving a half-hearted life.


Therapy Support Is Always Available. Talk To Us Now!

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