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Improve Your Aura: A Beginners Guide to the 7 Chakras

Improve Your Aura: A Beginners Guide to the 7 Chakras

Have you come across the term Chakras? Or has someone ever told you that your Chakras need healing? Chakras are nothing but energy points located along the spine, starting from the base and going all the way to the top of your head. Each of the 7 chakras has a specific location and a unique function to serve. Moreover, they are strongly related to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Hence, even a minor blockage in any of these chakras also can affect the quality of life, and even manifest as problems in our life.

In this guide, we will introduce you to the seven chakras and their significance, showing you how aligning them can lead to a healthier, more balanced life.

What Are The 7 Chakras?

Each one of us strives every day to create a beautiful life where happiness and good health nourish our mind, body, and soul. However, in the hustle and bustle of life, we often push our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being to the bottom of our priority list. But, it is time we stop doing that, and work consciously to achieve good health and happiness. One of the most powerful and proven ways to achieve this is by undergoing Chakra Healing. Chakra Healing is the practice of awakening and balancing all the main chakras that have a whooping impact on our mind, body, and soul.

Let’s explore the 7 chakras that open the door to a healthy and happy life!

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Root Chakra

  • Location: Base of the spine, between the anus and genitals
  • Color: Red
  • Element: Earth

The Root Chakra, also known as the Muldhara, is related to feelings of safety, stability, and survival. Basically, it is all about how grounded and independent you feel about your life. A blocked Root Chakra may result in feelings of insecurity, fear, or instability.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Sacral Chakra

  • Location: Lower abdomen, four fingers below the navel
  • Color: Orange
  • Element: Water

The Sacral Chakra, also known as the Svadhisthana, governs your creativity, sexuality, and how comfortable you are with yourself, and your emotions. When you are in tune with Sacral Chakra, you are likely to feel more energetic, creative, and emotionally stable. helps you express your desires and enjoy life with enthusiasm.

3. Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Location: Between the navel and the ribcage
  • Color: Yellow
  • Element: Fire

The Solar Plexus, also known as the Manipura, is characterized by self-esteem and confidence. When balanced, you feel a strong sense of purpose and determination. Awakening this chakra ignites the fire within you, empowering you to take charge of your life.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Heart Chakra

  • Location: Center of the chest, around the heart area
  • Color: Green
  • Element: Air

We’d tend to assume, that the red colour is always associated with the heart, with love. But, the Heart Chakra, also known as the Anahata, which is green in colour, is the one that is characterized by feelings of love, compassion, and friendship. This Chakra influences the relationships you attract in your life.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Throat Chakra

  • Location: Throat area
  • Color: Blue
  • Element: Space

The Throat Chakra, also known as the Vishuddha, dominates your ability to express your feelings and communicate openly. A well-balanced throat chakra allows the flow of creativity, faith, and openness in your life. As Vishuddha is linked with the thyroid glands, the blockages here can manifest as thyroid problems.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Third Eye Chakra

  • Location: Between the brows
  • Color: Indigo
  • Element: Light

Ever heard of the opening of the third eye? Awakening the Third Eye Chakra, also known as Ajna, leads to higher intuition, inner wisdom, and self-knowledge. It is often used as the focal point during certain meditative practices.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahastrara)

Crown Chakra

  • Location: Top of the head
  • Color: Violet or white
  • Element: Thought

Finally, we come to the Crown Chakra, also known as Sahastrara. It helps you access the higher consciousness and awakens the spirituality within you. It creates a space of wisdom and enlightenment. With conscious efforts and regular practices, awakening the Crown Chakra is possible for all of us. Focus on the purple divine light that resides within all of us!

How to Balance and Awaken Your Chakras?

Now that you have a general understanding of the 7 Chakras and their functions, the next step is to inculcate daily practices in your life that help you awaken and strike the right balance among all the 7 chakras. Chakra meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and chakra-specific exercises can help you maintain a balanced energy flow throughout your body.

Chakra Healing is a journey that can transform your life by bringing peace, clarity, and a deep sense of purpose.

Book A Session With Us For Energy Healing

Consult an energy healer today

Unlock your full potential and restore balance in your energy flow, with our expert energy healers here at Holistic Living Wellness Studio.

To book an offline or online session with us, you can click on our WhatsApp link to initiate a FREE 10-minute chat or call with our energy Healer. We will then set up a convenient appointment time.

You can even connect directly with us at 91-9321073548.

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