Top 10 Benefits of Transcendental Meditation Helps You Manage Stress
Anyone can learn how to meditate.
It is affordable and easy, and it does not require any special tools. And you could meditate any place you’re – whether you’re riding the bus, walking the dog, waiting in the doctor’s office or at the top of an important business meeting or conference.
Meditation has many benefits.
When you learn how to meditate, you have a new-found perspective on your life. Many people who learn how to meditate quickly find that they have more focus and energy. They also find that their mood improves and that they are more relaxed. So how does meditation help reduce stress?
If you were to look at the medical consequences of stress, you would see that they have many common causes. Some of these causes, like heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, stroke, and chronic pain, are all associated with increased levels of “stress.” But meditation lowers the effects of stress on the body. This is because meditation helps reduce the amount of “wear and tear” the mind and the body endures.
Meditation is a relaxing activity.
During meditation, your mind and your body become very still. This enables you to focus on something that is most important. If you are thinking about your stress or your worries, you may find yourself beginning to breathe with your stomach and not your chest. Breathing deeply while your stomach is rising will help reduce your oxygen consumption during stressful moments.
Another benefit of meditation is that it helps lower high blood pressure. In one study, participants who practiced meditating for four hours a day reported a significant decrease in high blood pressure. This is because they found that when they were focusing on their breath, they could better regulate their breathing.
High blood pressure is a result of increased blood pressure in the heart rate combined with decreased cardiac output. When you are focused on your breath during meditation, you can better monitor your heart rate and oxygen consumption. You do not have to meditate for four hours a day, but if you can focus on your breath for an hour, you will find a marked difference in your overall health.
Perhaps the most well-known benefit of meditation is its ability to manage stress. Stress is the number one condition we face in our lives, affecting nearly half of the American population. For many of us, managing stress means addressing the source of the stress, whether it is a demanding boss an irritating spouse or an inability to meet financial obligations.
A study conducted in Finland found that couples who practiced mindful mediation regularly were more satisfied in their relationships than couples who did not meditate. The association between meditation and happiness was especially strong for women, which may help explain the positive results seen in this study.
Another benefit of meditation is that it can help you lower high blood pressure, as well as anxiety and depression. The reason for this is that it takes time for the body to respond to stress, so a stressed-out person’s breathing becomes faster and more rapid. This is a vicious cycle, however, as fast, rapid breathing can lead to more stress and anxiety. The slow, deeper breathing associated with meditation can help escape this cycle.
Some people choose to use a mantra, or perhaps a word or phrase, as they practice yoga or as a part of any transcendental meditation technique. A mantra is a short word or short phrase repeated in a very focused manner. You can purchase a book of mantras online or attend a class. When choosing a mantra, you need to make sure it is easy to remember and does something that you want to achieve through its use.