Does Your Loneliness in Military Service Eating You Up?
Does Your Loneliness in Military Service Eating You Up?
Recently there has been an intriguing article in the Army Times Magazine regarding loneliness in military personnel. It seems that those suffering from this affliction are dealing with two separate problems; loneliness and depression. A recent study indicates that many military members, both women and men are being treated for depression and addiction. The author of the study believes that the two problems must be treated separately, if not permanently eliminated. According to him, some officers are treating the two conditions as one, and while others are treating them as separate diseases. This could be a very dangerous situation, since there is a high possibility that the drugs used for both conditions could have devastating side effects on both the officer and the soldier.
Those in the service are often put through long hours of exercises, rigorous physical workouts, and a never-ending list of requirements. Add to this the stressful pressure of keeping the soldiers in good physical shape and the pressures of meeting deadlines and staying ahead of the competition. As a result, many military personnel have developed serious psychological disorders due to stress and substance abuse. This situation is unique to the military; there is no research to indicate what happens to soldiers who become addicted to alcohol or drugs. But research is showing that cases of addiction and alcoholism are common among military personnel in the Philippines and Thailand.
For many years, alcoholism and drug use have been strongly linked with poor health outcomes for soldiers. When an individual suffers from depression and loneliness, it is obvious that these issues are related. Loneliness in military personnel has led to higher incidences of psychological health disorders. It has also been found that depression is one of the leading causes of divorce and deployment.
There is a growing body of research which indicates that drug use and depression can be successfully combated with therapies which address the problem of loneliness in military personnel. Two such approaches include natural supplements and animal-assisted therapy. According to the latter, the treatment includes the use of herbal supplements that can help improve moods. The supplements used in this therapy include passion flower, kava, and St. John’s Wort.
The supplements used focus on mood stability. Passion flower extract is known to stabilize mood swings in individuals undergoing major changes such as separation or change in duty assignment. Kava is an alternative treatment for depression and stress, which allow the individual to overcome the negative effects of stress and depression. St. John’s wort has been proven to treat several psychological conditions including depression, migraines, anxiety, and other panic attacks. When used as an additional service to military treatment, it can prove very effective.
Psychological health, loneliness, and depression can also be influenced by various environmental factors. According to research, the mean age of military service members has been linked to increased chances of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol. The mean age of deployment also increases the risk of suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other psychological conditions. In addition, studies have shown that soldiers suffering from PTSD are more likely to develop alcoholism. Other environmental factors related to psychological disorders include traumatic events and poor living conditions.
Although many factors may contribute to the occurrence of loneliness in military service, a number of studies have shown that these factors are influenced by the psychological processes and behaviors of a person. These behaviors and processes can include feelings of stress, depression, guilt, anger, hostility, and stress. As such, the study of loneliness has focused on identifying the factors that lead people to develop addiction and loneliness. To determine what these factors are, various studies have utilized various methods such as surveys, focus groups, experiments, and experimental hypnosis.
Loneliness can negatively influence soldiers due to the nature of their jobs. Many soldiers suffer from depression as a result of spending long periods of time in isolation. Because of this, several organizations have begun to use animals as support for their troops in various aspects of recovery, such as communication, morale, and stress reduction. While previous studies have focused on the beneficial effects of support animals, there is little research available that specifically addresses the issue of addiction treatment using animals. However, if you or a loved one feel that the effects of military service are contributing to their depression, this may be a good option for them to consider.