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  • Event Time:
    Morning 6:00 to 8:00
  • Event date:
    01/12/2020 at 6:00 AM
  • Event end:
    31/12/2020 at 8:00 PM
  • Event Brief:
    I belong’s to a traditional yoga family. Yoga which help up to live life with a positive manner
  • Event Benefits:
    While there are more than 100 different types, or schools, of yoga, most sessions typically include breathing exercises, meditation, and assuming postures (sometimes called asana or poses) that stretch and flex various muscle groups.

Shri Ganesh Karapu The founder and chairman of SGYF Shivganeshyoga Foundation is one of the knowledgeable yoga Trainers. He is a motivational & inspirational speaker. He has attained valuable experience in past 22 years in meditation and energy healing and is in the process of developing new techniques for modern day health problems integrating all these holistically with ancient sciences.

He has done a lot of research in this field and has unraveled many secrets of Chakras, Yoga, Mind power and Spirituality. He has been in the research of the power of subconscious mind and developed many techniques by which a layman can achieve success in his/her field/career /life. He strongly advocates the interrelationship between mental and physical health. He is successful in creating mental and physical balance tailored to individual needs. He conducts workshops and yoga teacher training courses, Mind power seminar, and Personality development, Stress management, and parenting sessions. Shuddhikriya YOG” and “Chakra Rahasy is the brand name for the 3 days workshops by Mr. Ganesh Karapu. It is about Body and Chakra Cleansing and Balancing, Meditation, Mind power, positive thinking, how to lead a healthy and successful life, how to maintain relations better, setting goals and how to achieve them, how to control our mind, how to attract money etc. This is appreciated by the participants and considered very successful as all the participants go home with the knowledge about the treasures of their own mind.

Mr. Ganesh is also training people for his new team who can later take personal training classes for individuals with specific health problems.



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Event date 01/12/2020 06:00 AM
Total Cost Rs. 5000

Added By Ganesh karapu

Ganesh karapu