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Learn How To Manage Stress –  7 Techniques To Relieve Stress Effectively

Learn How To Manage Stress – 7 Techniques To Relieve Stress Effectively

We all have various questions related to mental stress and how to relieve stress. We find ourselves navigating on our own without appropriate support! Here are questions on stress which we will address one by one.

What is stress? What are the causes of stress? How does stress affect our bodies? How to manage stress? What are the myths related to stress? 

All of these questions are crucial to address if we want to know a healthy way to respond to our problems. In this blog, you will get a holistic coverage of these topics related to stress.


Let’s start with an interesting quote: “In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.”― Fred Rogers


What is stress?

Stress in the simplest terms is a feeling of emotional, mental, or physical stain our bodies experience in response to various stimuli. This stimulus can be outside threats/demands or can be a construct of your mind. Stress can have any of the following symptoms-


Symptoms of stress

Stress cause chemical changes in us which can-

  • Raise blood pressure
  • Raise heart rate 
  • Cause sweating, headaches, dizziness, or shaking.

It can also lead to other emotional and mental symptoms like-

  • Depression
  • Panic attack
  • Anxiety
  • Suicidal thoughts


What causes stress?

There are many reasons because of which we may experience stress. These reasons vary from person to person. Things that stress me, may not stress you because we are all designed differently. For example – I always get stressed before my math exam. On the other hand, you can be a pro at solving mathematical problems. So it’s highly unlikely that you will stress out as much as me! As you already noticed how variable the causes of stress are, here are a few common ones-

  • Death of a loved one
  • Job loss, or overload of work
  • Relationship problems like divorce or breakup
  • Poor finances
  • Abortion or child loss
  • Morbidity due to an accident
  • Bulling at school or the workplace 

These are major causes of stress and can also become a cause of Chronic Stress.

Chronic stress symptoms

Chronic stress refers to a prolonged period of suffering due to stress. Chronic stress affects the whole body and can have dire consequences if not taken care of.

Chronically stressed people are more likely to fall prey to addictions such as cigarette smoking, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse.

 It is here that you need to see a professional for advice and support!

Stress Management Tips 

We all have to deal with stress at some point in life. You may get stressed about seemingly small things in life. When this happens it is easy to blame. You start labeling yourself that – “I am not good at handling my emotions. Why am I like this?” Instead of being harsh on yourself, you can discover ways to manage your stress in a friendlier way by following these tips-


1. Be Kind 

When you find that you are under stress, instead of blaming or judging yourself try to be kind. The stress feeling is there because of a reason. Try to find out why did this happen.

Listen when your body speaks to you because there may be some triggers. And if you can figure it out then you may as well try to keep yourself away from those. Also, there are a few situations in which a little bit of stress might work for you. For example- stress before a job interview may help you prepare more thoroughly! Because – Not all stress is bad after all!


2. Breathe

We tend to deny and diminish the magical effect deep breaths may bring when we are under stress. Stress manifests physically and we may start to take shallow breaths, so intentionally taking deep breaths send a message to our brain to calm down. Talk to a mind coach.


3. Exercise

Let me narrate the story of my friend Nikita who’s a life changed for the better since she started to exercise consistently.

Nikita suffered from stress and was feeling helpless. She visited a therapist who suggested a couple of things. One among them was -to exercise regularly. She started to go to her office by bicycle. With time she started enjoying the time she spent on the road with her bicycle and found that she has found the remedy to her stress. 

If you exercise consistently each day, it will improve your mood. You will observe that when you exercise you are present and focused. You forget your stressful life and irritations. Exercise releases hormones like endorphin and dopamine which act as a stress buster. Learn more-healthy living.


4. Meditate 

Gelong Thubten who is now a famous monk told in an interview about how he suffered extreme burnout and high levels of stress when he was young. His life was full of rocky patches. He was unable to cope and lost hope.

He went to a Buddhist monastery where he learned techniques of meditation. This story is relatable because he went through the same problems in his youth that we face now. Meditation changed the course of his entire life and he was also invited by the United Nations to narrate his story that how meditation became his guide to happiness.

Meditation has rewarding effects when it comes to lowering stress. It is highly recommended by health professionals these days. Meditation helps in various ways – it brings your focus to the present, it increases awareness, it gives you time to reflect and increases tolerance level. 


5. Sleep

You must have a good sleeping cycle. If overlooked, the chances of exhaustion and feeling stressed all day is high. For an adult, 7-8 hours of sleep is a must.  Sleepless nights while under stress is also common. In such a case things like deep breathing exercises, soothing music, a warm shower can come to your rescue.


6. Self-Care 

It will be difficult for you to alleviate stress if you neglect yourself and the things you need. Remember that you have to take care of your mind, body, and soul. All the techniques mentioned above are a form of self-care! 

Self-care should always be a priority. People give attention to self-care when life hits hard. Self-care is quickly abandoned when things get better. This approach will never help you if you want to be stress-free for the rest of your life! So, always keep self-care on top of everything else. 


7. Communicate

When you are struggling to keep stress at bay you must seek help without hesitation. 

Get help from professionals. They will guide you and help you navigate through this difficult journey. You can communicate all your concerns without fear of being judged.


Busting myths related to stress



Stress is not a major issue 

When you share your problems with someone they might not understand the whole situation and belittle your issues. People might ask you to “cheer up” and “be strong”. Know that stress can cause major issues if neglected.



Stress is always bad for you

A little bit of stress can be a natural response to some situations in life. If you are feeling stressed before giving your first speech in front of a crowd it’s not unusual. You don’t have to blame yourself for having stress. Stress may help some people to prepare better for things they are working on. 



Popular stress reduction techniques are the only solution

You come across various solutions every day which give you solutions to become stress-free. You try to work on these solutions. They may not work as you thought. Remember, popular techniques may or may not work for you. We all go through different situations in our lives. There cannot be – “one size fits all”. You will have to find what works best for you!



Children don’t experience stress

The competition around us is so high that the children are increasingly falling prey to stress. So when children show such signs or share their concerns we must listen to them. We must try to address their grievances and support them to come out of stress because they cannot do it alone!




Can online consultation help me to cope with stress?

The internet has opened new doors for mental health treatment. You can now avail best services sitting at your home. Online consultation() is convenient and affordable. You don’t have to drive long distances if you have a reliable internet connection. You don’t have to stress out for the best stress relief treatment! How cool is that!


Stress is usually thought to be a negative experience but it can have a positive outcome. True or False?

True, A little bit of stress can be a natural response to some situations in life. Feeling a little stressed before an interview or an exam is common.  Stress may help some people to prepare better. You have to be cautious and keep a watch so that stress is at manageable limits.


Chronic stress persists for a very long time. True or False?

True, Chronic stress refers to a prolonged period of suffering due to stress. Chronic stress affects the whole body and can have dire consequences if not taken care of. It becomes important here to seek help from a mental health professional. 


What are the physical symptoms of stress?

Increased blood pressure and heart rate, headache, dizziness, sleep problems, shaking, and sweating are some of the physical symptoms of stress. 


Chronically stressed people are more likely to fall into the trap of addictions. True or false

True, special attention needs to be given if you are diagnosed as suffering from chronic stress. Chronically stressed people are more likely to fall prey to addictions such as cigarette smoking, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse.


Stress is an unnatural reaction. True or false

False, stress can be our natural response while handling different situations in life. It is imperative to understand that there are many reasons why we may experience stress. These reasons vary from person to person. It is unnatural to blame someone for having stress!


Your Takeaway

In this article, we came to know that stress is a feeling of emotional, mental, or physical stain our bodies experience in response to various stimuli. This stimulus can be outside threats/demands or can be a construct of your mind. 

Stress can be triggered due to various reasons. The reasons vary from person to person. Stress can be managed by following various methods which include – being kind, exercise, meditation, deep breathing, sound sleep, and self-care. The most important is communication when you are unable to find the right direction to walk on. My friends at the 360-degree wellness platform assure you to guide, heal, uplift, and transform your life!

Talk to an expert- NOW!



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